November = LadyNerd month

While every day should be LadyNerd Day, I would like to nominate November as LadyNerd Appreciation Month. And not just because it’s my birthday. I did a bit of internetting and found a few others to help me make a go of what could be called LadyNerdvember. Catchy. If you’ve seen LadyNerd, you’ll know that I’m born on the same Read more…

Songwriting tips from a clueless enthusiast

This is an unpublished piece but it includes what are hopefully helpful ideas in listicle form.   I have been songwriting since I was a teenager. This does not make me qualified. But it does mean I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. Oh, how I loved my songs back then – back when they were Read more…

Deadlines = Lifelines

“The show doesn’t go on because it’s ready – it goes on because it’s 11.30.” – Lorne Michaels, via Tina Fey in Bossypants How do you become excellent as an artist?  Is it about freedom to fail?  Is it about pure, reflective practice or constant feedback?  Is it about trying new things regularly or doing the same Read more…

On the rise of the nerd

I wrote this piece for Tech Digest back in the lead-up to Edinburgh Fringe 2012. They asked me to talk about why nerddom is important to me – and why, perhaps, it should be important to more people! I discovered my nerdy identity – or ‘nerdentity’, if you will – at a very young age. I Read more…

Memories from the ‘burgh

LadyNerd is on the way to Edinburgh Fringe 2012.  That means the incomparable ninjamazing music nerd, Mark Chamberlain, and that weirdo with the dancing eyebrows who occasionally writes about herself in third person, Keira Daley, are going to do their thing for the world’s largest arts festival in just a matter of weeks. I performed Read more…

Frequent Inaccuracies

…or: “How to be a dick about praise”… I have been very, very fortunate that this show has been so overwhelmingly positively received.  And for this I am delighted and grateful – in fact, I’m pretty chuffed people bother writing anything about my show, after all my years of doing shows that flew under the Read more…

Nerdination Tour Diary

NOTE: There are accompanying photos for this post but WordPress is being a wang right now… We played three cities in eight days last week – not an especially huge tour, but it was pretty hardcore for little ol’ me.  Here’s how it went down… It began in hometown Sydney at Slide Lounge, where I Read more…

