Slapdash Song Night! – monthly in Sydney from Feb 2


It’s the first Sunday of the month and the atmosphere is ripe for musical mischief… it’s Slapdash Song Night!

Yes, that fun and flighty musical variety show from Sydney Fringe 2013 is now a regular gig and podcast – the first Sunday of the month, starting February 2nd, 2014.

Slapdash Song Night! is your delicious tasting plate of music, cabaret, musical comedy, and more from all around town. Cut loose with your host, Keira Daley (LadyNerd[title of show]), for some toe-tapping, head-bopping, rollicking variety night mayhem. Warning: Dangerously catchy.

PRESENTING… your opening night line-up (Feb 2nd):

  • World champion improv comedian, multi-award-winning actress of stage and screen, Rebecca De Unamuno (Big BiteThe ChaserKath & Kim)
  • Kick-arse keyboardist and YouTube sensation Benny Davis (Axis of Awesome, Human Jukebox) and the Laughasaurus
  • Quadruple-threat (singer, dancer, actor, is funny) cabaret dynamo Monique Sallé (A Chorus LineCarrie)
  • Award-winning singer-songwriter, improv muso, and all round clever chap Bryce Halliday (The Bryce Is Right)
  • ONE-SONG WONDERS: Toby Francis is singing an earnest song of dreams and aspirations. Mark Simpson and Shannon McKinn will be harmonising sitcom-style. And with a ukulele-accompanied rendition of a magical cartoon theme we’ll have Lady Sings It Better!
  • Plus, featuring the musical-comedic stylings of Keira DaleyMark Chamberlain, and Pete Lead – the award-winning team behind LadyNerd and Keira Daley Vs The 90s!

All this for the special opening night price of $5. FIVE DOLLARS.

Enjoy a variety of live music and get to know the artists via fun, pacy interviews. Featuring the quirky wit Keira Daley and the cool musical savvy of Mark Chamberlain (Jersey BoysMornings With Kerri-Anne), the action takes place upstairs at funky fresh Glebe hang-out, The Record Crate (34 Glebe Pt Rd).

From comedy to cabaret, musical theatre to rockin’ band, acoustic duo and more, we have it all. It’s the place to discover new gems, experience new styles, and enjoy familiar favourites all over again.

Slapdash Song Night! is THE place for artists and punters to meet and mix under the motto: “singy-sing, talky-talk, drinky-drink” – the true spirit of cabaret!

“Keira Daley is a terrific talent full of warmth and quirky wit…  Mark Chamberlain adds his touch with sparkling, delightfully nuanced accompaniment” – Stage Whispers

LadyNerd at FRINGE WORLD Festival, Perth 2014

I’m very excited to announce that LadyNerd is off to WA in February 2014 to nerd it up in the Wild, Wild West at FRINGE WORLD.

I’ve never been to Perth before and over here on this unseasonably cool Aussie east coast December evening, I imagine it’s a haven of warm beachiness and warm, friendly people.

This perspective is probably shaped by the people I’ve met from there, all of whom are warm, friendly types, and some of whom have said “Do your show for three days then go to the beach” – which sounds like a pretty sweet plan.

Also, I’ve already had half a dozen keyboard offers thrown my way from Perthians, which is outrageously generous and helpful.  It was tempting to say yes to all and then make Mark grow a few more sets of arms.

I look forward to meeting all of Perth’s nerds and nerd-enablers at Casa Mondo in The Pleasure Garden*.

You can get deets and tix here.

*not a euphemism.


We have FOUR great shows for you this September-October in Sydney and Melbourne – including LadyNerd‘s Melbourne debut! Check it out…



Keira Daley: LadyNerd
finally makes its Melbourne debut!

LadyNerd in Melbourne Fringe!

Indulge your inner (or not-so-inner) nerd with the award-winning smash hit of 2011 Sydney Fringe, LadyNerd – Keira Daley’s funny, fact-packed cabaret tribute to some of history’s brainiest ladies, from Marie Curie to Ada Lovelace… via that woman who invented Liquid Paper.

Following her epic World Nerdination Tour – with two seasons in Sydney, followed by Brisbane, Adelaide Cabaret Festival, the almighty Edinburgh Fringe as part of The Best of Sydney Fringe line-up of award-winning shows, and one last show in Sydney for good measure – Keira finally lands in Melbourne for a round of geeky goodness!



7.30pm nightly, September 18-21, 2013
Sound Lounge, Seymour Centre
cnr City Rd & Cleveland St, Darlington
Rockin’ smash hits and 90s-inspired originals rumble with a LadyNerd’s true tales of teen dorkwardness and triumph in the era of parachute pants and grunge.
Stop, collaborate and listen – Keira’s back with a sparkly new follow-up to her award-winning solo debut smash-hit, LadyNerd.  This time, she sings an ode to her favourite era of music while delving into the deep, dark, cringe-worthy recesses of her journals, circa 1993-1998.  Tied together with awesome alternative tracks, KDV90s is a mega-mix of cringe-worthy crushes, bully battles, and alleged psychic super powers.


Keira Daley: LadyNerd
returns to Sydney for ONE NIGHT ONLY!
Yeah, we totally met Dr Karl!

7pm September 14, 2013
Sound Lounge, Seymour Centre
cnr City Rd & Cleveland St, Darlington


Slapdash Song Night!

Sunday nights in September (8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th), 7-9pm
Eliza’s Duke Joint, 5 Eliza St Newtown

So many shows, how do you pick? Start with your delicious FREE tasting plate of the best music, musicals, cabaret, and more at the Fringe. Cut loose with your host, Keira Daley (LadyNerd, Keira Daley Vs The 90s), and your “distractingly pretty” pianist, Mark Chamberlain, for some toe-tapping, head-bopping, rollicking variety night mayhem. Warning: Dangerously catchy.

Slapdash Song Night! is a shambolic, fun, upbeat musical variety show featuring acts from the 2013 Sydney Fringe program.  As well as a whole lot of live music, this special event has a talk-show element, so you audiences can get to know the artists.  Featuring the quirky wit of host Keira Daley, and the cool musical savvy of pianist Mark Chamberlain (Jersey Boys, Mornings With Kerri-Anne), the action takes place in the glorious Eliza’s Juke Joint at 5 Eliza St Newtown – which brings a touch of old-timey saloon to the inner-west.

The atmosphere is ripe for mischief, the drinks are flowing, and Slapdash Song Night! ties it all together in one very entertaining, slightly rowdy, bow.  It’s the place for artists and punters to meet and mix with the motto: “singy-sing, talky-talk, drinky-drink” – the true spirit of cabaret!



We hope to see you along at one or all of the things!

Best wishes,
Team LadyNerd

LadyNerd’s Sydney Fringe return… on election night!

We’re coming full-circle!  Keira Daley: LadyNerd returns to where it all began – Sydney Fringe – for ONE NIGHT ONLY.

Following our World Nerdination Tour of 2012, Team LadyNerd sets back up in the delightful Seymour Centre Sound Lounge at 7pm on September 14. Yeah, you read correctly – piano bar meets Sega Megadrive… ON ELECTION DAY.

So if you want to escape the #auspol madness with a nerd-wine-and-song combo platter, there’s only one place to be.  If you missed it the other times we’ve played in Sydney, or know someone who did who would dig it, there is also only place to be.  And that place is the place where this show is on at the time and date on which it appears.  And things.

Seriously, though, there’s a good chance this is our last hurrah with this particular show in our hometown (but we do have some exciting NEW stuff en route – stay tuned!), so get on it, nerdburgers…

Bookings will eventually be a thing that happens here.

LadyNerd: F%^& YEAH!

A letter to 30 Rock from LadyNerd HQ

Dear 30 Rock,

It’s your finale today.  You’ve seen fit to shut it down.  While I need to go talk to some food about this, I understand it’s a wise move to quit before there’s a dealbreaker.  I’m happy that you get to walk away while you still feel great.

Stride of Pride
Stride of Pride

I still remember watching the pilot seven years ago – and even though Tina Fey may have since described this debut episode as “sweaty”, it still had me at “I would like to buy all of the hotdogs…”

Later that season, I remember literally rolling around laughing at fireworks blasting off Rockefeller Center. And then, from the wedding dress/ham napkin, to the clinic where the Olsen twins were separated, to audition day with Kathy Geiss, to faux-Joni Mitchell/Janice Joplin/Liz Taylor/Barbara Walters/other historical figure, to the retreat to move forward, to the guy whose name is spelled “Criss Chross”, to the world through Kenneth’s eyes, to the Problem Solvers, and countless other things that have become part of my regular vocabulary… I want to go to there.

Thanks for all the silliness and for all the work you’ve done for the LadyNerd cause – because if it’s good enough for nerdrageous Liz Lemon, it’s good enough for us all.

meat30rockYou are so wonderfully ridiculous – you have inspired me enormously and I am very grateful for all the mirth you’ve brought me.  Just know that you can rely on this moi to keep working on your night cheese.

High-fiving a million angels,
Keira Daley
Tragic Fan – Oceania Division

PS: Well, this is a thing I’m delighted to hear – SOMEBODY BRING ME SOME HAM!



Nerdy New Year!

Greetings nerderinos!

I hope you had an awesome “tis” (aka: “the season”).  I sure did.

Meanwhile, I’ve been throwing around a metric shitload of ideas for future LadyNerd shows, with Misters Chamberlain, Lead, and James-Moody – all nerdfaced as ever – and even delving into some songwriting.  Naturally, it’s all video game themes and iPad drums and grammatical correctness at LadyNerd HQ.

We’ll see you soon for some or all of the above, and more…

Have yourself a G-D wonderful 2013!

– Keira and Team LadyNerd

PS: Just thought you should know, I rang in the new year as Liz Lemon using The Force to get out of jury duty…

Liz Lemon as Princess Leia
“I don’t really think it’s fair for me to be on a jury because I can read thoughts…”


Kickin’ it on the Royal Mile

Mark on melodica, Keira carrying Ms Pac-Man, and a whole lotta video game tunes…

Edinburgh, we’re here!

So there’s a giant poster of my head at George Square…


First preview is on Thursday.  Get on board the Nerd Train!

Memories from the ‘burgh

LadyNerd is on the way to Edinburgh Fringe 2012.  That means the incomparable ninjamazing music nerd, Mark Chamberlain, and that weirdo with the dancing eyebrows who occasionally writes about herself in third person, Keira Daley, are going to do their thing for the world’s largest arts festival in just a matter of weeks.

I performed at Edinburgh Fringe three years ago and, in the lead up to my solo debut there, I’ve been recalling the weird and wonderful things that await, and anticipating the surprises in store.

Just yesterday I found a business card (I keep pretty much every business card I’m given in a small cardboard treasure-chest-shaped box I’ve had since 1996) which took me right back to Edinburgh Fringe 2009.  The card – black ink on thin mottled white cardboard – says the person’s name and title:


This is accompanied by, presumably, his home address (in Ireland) and picture of a clapperboard.  Because we all know what that means.

Let me explain how I wound up with this piece of quality memorabilia.

It was morning out on the Royal Mile early on in the Fringe – before we all realised that flyering before midday was a waste of time.  I was with my flyering buddy for that day, and we were in costume.  The show was Princess Cabaret – a musical sketch comedy that gave a messed-up twist to classic fairytales – and I was Sleeping Beauty.

We were approached by a man who seemed interested in what we had to say, which is good when you’re trying to sell people a show.  So we were friendly and chatty and didn’t immediately realise he was just waiting so he could tell us conspiracy theories and peer into our souls because he had special powers.  Or something.  It was weird and a little creepy and I don’t remember the details exactly because he was kind of mean to me in particular.  He saw something dark in my aura.  I think they call it logic.

So imagine our surprise when we were accosted by a second colourful character before the clock had even struck twelve.  A muscular man, fair-skinned, with long dark hair in a long dark plait down his back, who was roughly 5’3″, began a flirtatious conversation with us.  Again, being out for one thing – SELLING OUR SHOW, OH PLEASE BUY TICKETS – we responded with friendliness where perhaps a more discerning state of mind would have yielded a “Shut it down” response.

He was a “performer” like us.  In fact, he was a “dancer” but, no, he didn’t have a show at the Fringe.  He was an “exotic dancer”.  Okay then.  He cut to it – he wanted us to “party” with him.  We said: “Come to our show and we’ll totally* have a drink with you after.”  He said: “Here’s my card, give me a call after your show.”

And there it was – “adult entertainer”.  He had one thing right – we were entertained.

Just to complete the story, in case the ending were not obvious, he bought all 150 tickets to that evening’s show and we did a special “private” performance…

That never happened.

So I guess the moral of this story is, don’t trust flyerers on anything other than the show they’re selling – they may humour your flirting, they may listen to your conspiracy theories, but in the end they are there to sell.  As well they should be.  If you’re not interested in buying, maybe avoid those two blocks during August between midday and 6pm.

If you genuinely want to woo a flyerer, go see the damn show.  Nothing says “I care” like shelling out the price of admission.

And finally, if you want to promote your stripping career at the Edinburgh Fringe, do what The Chippendales did at the Gilded Balloon that same year and do a hilarious comedy show.

That was a comedy, right?

*holy freakin’ no, we really won’t


Frequent Inaccuracies

…or: “How to be a dick about praise”…

I have been very, very fortunate that this show has been so overwhelmingly positively received.  And for this I am delighted and grateful – in fact, I’m pretty chuffed people bother writing anything about my show, after all my years of doing shows that flew under the zeitgeisty radar.

However.  I am also a pedant.  And while I have taken great pains to be factually accurate while not boring you rigid in my show, not everyone who has written about my show has done the same.

My writing buddy Pete Lead thinks I should put together some “fun facts” to address these issues.  His suggestion is:

Fact: One of you will make an error while writing your (glowing) review of LadyNerd.
Fact: I will read that review.
Fact: I will scream.
Fact: I will find you.
Fact: You cannot hide.
Fact: You will not scream; you will not have time.

I’m not sure this Dexter-style approach is exactly the one I want to take, apt though the sentiment may be.  But perhaps I could do a “Frequent Inaccuracies” page.  It would go something like this:

  • Read these letters carefully: K-E-I-R-A.  Not Keria.  Not Kiera…
  • Read these letters carefully: D-A-L-E-Y.  Not Daly.  Not Daily.  Not Dailey.  Not Darley.  Not Xsfgliz…
  • It’s Ada Lovelace, not Linda.  If there’s any connection between the world’s first computer programmer and the deep throated pioneer, I’m sure it’s fascinating but I hazard a guess that it may not be pertinent.
  • Ada Lovelace is daughter of Lord Byron, not John Keats.  I hate Keats (and apparently so did Byron).  Ode On A Grecian BLERG.
  • One Of The Boys, as sung in my show, is by Dolly Parton, not Katy Perry.  Good lord, throw me a fricken bone here…
  • If you are super happy that, finally, someone (me) has got up on stage and whinged about apostrophe misuse – hooray!  I am super happy too – camaraderie, nerd power, etc.  But I would advise you to get your work proofread – everyone makes mistakes and this is why those smart, professionally pedantic people called sub-editors have their work cut out for them.  Every.  Goddamn.  Day.
  • If you see fit to question facts and figures in my show, that’s great – I want to be accurate and if I’m wrong, please correct (la, la, la).  But if you do, make sure you’re right or I will be a know-it-all douche about it.  Why?  Because all it takes is a few minutes on Google to work out whether you have a case or not.  The internet is more amazing than the top of your head – why not use it?

So… I guess you’re all put off writing anything about my show now that I’ve been such a dick about it.  Sorry about that.  No, I really am sorry.  Hey, wait, come back!  I totally need your approval – even if it’s unperfect.


